Exams Back!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 8:54 PM
So the title of this post should actually be a lot more downbeat. I actually did terrible on my exams, and am in the lowest quartile in both of my classes. Sigh. I'll need to put more work into my classes. I'm also not doing that much research at the moment either. This all adds up to be BAD.

So, I felt pretty bad about how I was doing academically, especially since that was most of what I was working on so far. I had flashes of failing MIT after one semester, and being shunned by graduate schools elsewhere. Luckily, I was surfing sites in my depression, and read on someone's blog about failing tests. Everyone fails at some point; it doesn't mean they're a failure though. The important thing is to evaluate why you failed, and to correct that. And that's the mantra that I'm taking. I'm working harder at school now, and cutting down on the time that I waste on the web (blogging doesn't count; it's a chance to reflect). I will also try to keep my activities, like basketball, working out, and Michigan Football Saturdays alive, to force myself to streamline my life. More work output, constant leisure, less waste.

If at the end of the semester, I do indeed fail out of MIT, I at the least want to say that I gave it my all. If I do that, I know that no matter what happens, I'll still be ok with myself.


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