It can not be understated how much respect veteran's deserve. Turn inward and ask if you would serve. Of course I'd serve if asked to, ie. if drafted. But it's hard for me to give up my cushy life of earning degrees and making money. Honestly, it seems like suicide for my career, for what my goals are. And that is exactly why I feel such respect for those that are serving.
Being on tour is grueling. Stressful, dangerous, exhausting work. Not to mention, veterans are not treated particularly well in this country. Shocked? I'll defend this assertion another day. For now, I want to show a few pictures of life on tour.

Marines in Peleliu island. World War 2, Pacific Theatre.

Grieving soldiers(service unknown). Korean War.
Soldiers hiding from sniper fire. Vietnam War.

Medic giving CPR. Vietnam War. I think I was worrying about my social life at his age. I can't express how thankful I am that someone else took the responsibility for doing these things instead of me.
US soldier taking a smoke. Afghanistan. (Notice his body posture, what it shows.)
Thanks guys. Because of you, I get a day off from classes.
ADDITION: I wrote an addendum to this post here, discussing the raison d'ĂȘtre for soldiers.