Sucked Under

Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 8:54 PM
Sometimes I'm working on classwork, and I'm really just not understanding the material. I read the book, I see the equations, and somehow it just doesn't make sense to me. And finally, after a lot of stumbling around, I ask someone for help, and the explanation makes sense. I get a "duh." moment, and I start to wonder why it seemed so easy after hearing the explanation. To make matters worse, the equations start to make sense, but in a bad way. It's as if you were dyslexic, and were trying to spell the word "Physics". It just doesn't come to you, until suddenly, it does. This is a very frustrating feeling.

Even worse, I start to think that I'm having a hard time because everything at MIT is so esoteric, and requires extremely smart people to understand it. I guess I put the people and the school on a pedestal. This is a bad situation to be in, because I start to second guess myself, and I'm unable to be creative and think for myself. I think it also hampers my ability to read the questions and take what they ask for at face value. I'm always grasping for second meanings behind the literal meaning, which leads me in the wrong direction.


- Howitzer


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