User Manual
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
7:58 AM
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There really is no user manual to life. I'm slowly accepting that it is normal to be unsure about my future.
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Infrequent posting
Monday, October 3, 2011
6:35 PM
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I haven't been writing to this blog recently. I guess I haven't had much time. That definitely needs to be remedied though, soon.
Good Mood
Friday, September 2, 2011
4:44 AM
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Ah...I'm in such a good mood right now. I just woke up from having some bizarre dreams. Then, Maggie tonight, plus moving in to new apartment, plus new classes starting soon...OH AND COLLEGE FOOTBAW.
Hell yes.
Edit: I figure I should write down my dreams, since I so rarely dream. I dreamt I saw the BU space shuttle. I caught three guys walking in to McDonald's, sweating like crazy, and I knew they were gonna rob McDonald's. I fist fought him. I was wearing a neon green high-viz motorcycle jacket. I saw Denise Richards naked while on set. AND SHE WAVED AT ME. And then my first thought was to post it on Face (guysguyscheckthisoutsocool!!)
What a weird night. Then again, this is like the first time I went to sleep before 1am in weeks. Maybe I should do this more often.
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Getting Paid to Help
Monday, August 1, 2011
9:44 AM
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I read somewhere, that people are more inclined to help when there is no promise of reward afterwards. The logic being, if you're offered rewards, you feel indignant at the implication that incentives are needed for you to offer your time. Which made sense, when I thought about it.
I just got an email asking for volunteers to do a decision-research experiment, with an offer of a $10 Amazon gift card as a reward. I immediately felt like I didn't want to do the experiment, at the thought of seeming like I care about the $10 gift card. Yet, I had earlier asked my friend to help me move out of my apartment this fall, and I said we could go out for dinner afterwards. I did it to show my appreciation, but I hadn't considered how he would view the idea. I guess depending on what side of the transaction you're on, people have very different views.
- Howitzer
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Sitting on the steps of MIT
Thursday, July 14, 2011
8:43 PM
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Sitting on the steps of MIT, eating ice cream cake. Dusk gives the sky a deep blue color, with highlights of gold from the setting sun. I had a long day today, and just being able to pause and enjoy some ice cream feels really good. I watch the people pass through the busy intersection, in between the cars that whiz through. For now at least, it feels like life has been put on pause.
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Happy Fourth of July
Monday, July 4, 2011
11:31 AM
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Happy Fourth of July!
Today represents more than just the birth of a nation. A remembrance of the courage of the Founders is in order. 235 years ago, a repressed, powerless people had the courage to decide that life was more than just being alive. Life meant having free will and liberty. The power to decide your own fate. These people decided that life meant controlling your own destiny rather than being controlled. Instead of cowering before a greater power, like wolves running from fire, the American people rose up to fight and extinguish the external threat.
There's something admirable about this. Our forefathers shucked any dependence on worldly security, and decided that their freedom was more important than having physical possessions and security from peril.
I tried to put my feelings into words, but as is often the case lately, what I write down pales in comparison to what I feel inside.
- Howitzer
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Chevy Volt
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
5:10 AM
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Saw a Chevrolet Volt on MIT campus yesterday! I wasn't even aware they were out yet. That was a cool experience.
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